Friday, March 30, 2012

Who is Coast 2 Coast?

Liddy with the Baby Cheese!
The ride from Cali to Maine is essential a solo supported ride. Supported means the wife, Liddy, will be close by in the RV if I need something. I might need a milkshake, a cold Gatorade, a back massage, someone to put chamois cream put on me, on just someone to yell at me to pick up the pace. She very good at "motivating" me.  Just so you know I will get hit for even suggesting she'll be my butler on the ride... Ouch!  Liddy is a great support for my "ideas," and just rolls her eyes when I come home injured.  It's love, I think.

The downside of this being a solo ride, is being by myself for extended periods of time.  Most people can't tolerate me for short periods of time.  I'm not sure if I can handle myself on the open road.  I'll start telling myself jokes, which I will in turn laugh at.  I may mentally write a romance novel in my head.  I hope I don't start crying from it.  Or I may just get distracted ... SQUIRREL!

I have an open invitation for people  to come out and ride with me for a day, a week or a state or two. The more riders the merrier, the faster the miles fly by and the more mischief I usually get into. Let it be known mischief will happen.

My kids, Anna Victoria and Zach, are a huge part of Coast 2 Coast. Without them tagging along we wouldn't be scheduling time to sight see and making sure there is something fun to do. It's going to get tiring for two kids in an RV for 60 days, but we'll made due.
Kid Stew!

Everyday while out on the ride I will be riding for individual people who have or did have cardiovascular disease.  If you know someone who does let me know an I will ride for them.


1) As many of you saw on Facebook I wrecked at Trinity Trails, I found one of the cardinal safety rules of cycling: WEAR YOUR GLOVES, DUMB BUTT!  This is what happens if you don't:
Needless to say, I have gloves be shipped out.

2) Thanks to the help of Megan Brooks, PR Extrodinarie, I did interviews with The Star-Telegram and the Cleburne Times-Review.  The message of heart health is getting out and persistence is the key.

3) Ouch!  The ground is hard at Trinity Trails.

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